October 22, 2006

The Princess of Dishwashing

I have long washed dishes bare-handed, loving the hot water as it warms my often frigid digits. But recently, all that hot water has begun to take its toll on my hands. There are spots on my hands that are so dry that they have begun to crack and bleed; the skin around my fingernails is painfully brittle. So, I have joined the ranks of dish-glove-wearing housewives. Between the protectiveness of the gloves and the fact that I can now apply hand lotion throughout the day without worrying about washing it off with the dishes, my hands are on the mend and close to returning to their former princess-like glory. Someday, we may even get a dishwasher and complete the transformation!

1 comment:

Sandie said...

Sadly, a dishwasher does only half the work! You still have to wash dishes by hand every day, though not quite as many.

I usually put lotion on at night after the bulk of the clean up is done and again directly before going to bed. Hopefully you aren't washing dishes in your sleep!