October 21, 2006


I rock her to sleep in a very comfortable rocking chair from Ikea. After lunch, we head upstairs and I put on a bit of sleepy-time music as I rock her to sleep. Sometimes, like today, she's in a bit of a playful mood, and we spend a minute or so sharing her binky or making funny faces before I give her a last kiss and snuggle down into the chair. As I gently rock both our eyes close and we drift on the cusp of sleep. Something usually startles me out of my drifting -- usually it's the sound of her deep, even breathing, indicating that she's fallen completely asleep. With a few last kisses and a lot of regret, I put her in her crib and sneak downstairs. There's too much work to do to spend an afternoon napping with my baby. But I love those few careless minutes we spend together as she's falling asleep.

I keep telling myself that I need to get her to nap on her own, so that all I have to do is put her in her crib and she'll put herself to sleep. After all, when I have another baby (yes, we're planning one) I won't be able to always rock her to sleep for naps and bedtime. And if I have to work nights, Miguel definitely won't be able to handle putting two kids to bed at once. But I cherish these little intimacies and I don't want to give them up. Soon enough, she'll decide she doesn't need it and I just don't want to let go yet.

1 comment:

Sandie said...

I think that as long as you are happy with the routine, you shouldn't feel guilty about it. "I need to get her to nap on her own" is a silly statement. That will all happen when it needs to. When she's ready, and more importantly when you are ready, everything will happen the way you need it to. Do what your heart says is right and stop listening to the rest of the world!

Love you!