October 05, 2006

Fed Up with Bread

A long while back, Jennie wrote a post about all of the preservatives and additives that are found in ready-made store-bought foods. I found it disturbing at the time, and I've cut back on the ready-made stuff that I buy (baked snacks in particular, which I enjoy making myself, now) and I look carefully at the ingredient list on the package for additives. I've switched to brands that don't use preservative for my breakfast meats, especially, and I try to buy "natural" brands of other items. But bread, now that's a stumper. Everytime I look at the package, I'm appalled. The first ingredient is Whole Wheat Flour (yes, in bold on the package to draw your attention to the whole grain in the bread), followed by water and high fructose corn syrup. What the heck is that there for? And then comes a list of ingredients that I can't pronounce and I'm sure are preservatives to extend shelf life. In short, it's more junk than any bread should have.

I've been envious since Jennie posted her five star bread recipe and everyone else has tried it with their Kitchenaid stand mixers. And looking at all of those pictures of bread makes me salivate!

So, I'm going to jump in. I'm going to have to do it by hand, as I have no stand mixer myself, but I'm tired of fake bread. Soon, I too will be able to brag about the smell of fresh bread in my house and my family's delight upon tasting it!


Jennie C. said...

You know, around Christmas, you can get the regular size mixer for about $100. I figured it was a food related purchase, so I pinched most of those dollars I saved from the grocery budget. I got the bigger size and so had to pinch more dollars, but it's doable if you are creative. Then again, I'm assuming you have a budget and you might not, which would make that a bit harder! We've been budgeting groceries for about...eight years?...with the understanding that I could use the "leftovers" for whatever I wanted.

Beckie Russell said...

I have to be honest...I'm not really sure how to budget groceries. I plan on spending a certain amount on the things I need and discover it's more than I thought when I get to the checkout line. Sometimes just the basics take me by surprise. Maybe I'm just underestimating and wishful thinking...any advice?

Sandie said...

Sound like you have the same problem I had for a long time, Beck! I used to shop and hope . . . Take a look at my blog. I just posted about budgeting for groceries. It's not easy at first, but it is very worth it.

If I asked you right now, could you tell me how much you spend on groceries every week or month? (No cheating, you can't look it up somewhere . . .) You'll be able to if you start budgeting. It's worth the planning.

Love you!

Beckie Russell said...

I spend between $400 and $500 a month, but I'm sure I can do better. Maybe I'm being overly optimistic, though. Maybe that's an appropriate amount and it just feels like I spend more than I should.