September 29, 2006

Apple Spice Tea

Several Years Ago

The bag read Apple Spice. Mmmmm, thought I. I'd love to taste that. With longing and anticipation making every moment last twice as long, I boiled a pot of water and poured it gently into the cup, letting it cascade over the suspended tea bag. The aroma was immediate and delicious, delighting and tempting at the same time. Impatiently, I waited for the water to cool enough that I could sip a glorious mouthful of that aroma and feel my tastebuds explode with flavor. As I brought the cup to my lips, I breathed in the scent and let the liquid trickle through my lips. Ugh! It tasted as if I had poured water over a handful of autumn leaves I'd found lying on the ground outside.

I have avoided herbal teas since then. Until...

Several Weeks Ago

I arrived at Sandie's house for a day of playful relaxation; the girls (yes, all of them) were asleep in their various cribs and bouncy chairs as Sandie and I prepared to sit down for tea and scones (home made by Sandie). She had prepared some Blueberry tea for me on the assurance that it actually tasted like blueberries. Skeptical, I brought the cup to my mouth, dreading the bland and slightly off-putting flavor I expected. And then, a miracle occurred. The tea, called True Blueberry did indeed taste like its name and aroma. Could it be? Could someone finally have gotten herbal tea right?

Celestial Seasonings is indeed that company. Since that moment at Sandie's house, I have purchased not only True Blueberry, but Apple Spice, Orange Tangerine Zinger and another Apple tea whose name I cannot recall. And each tea is absolutely delicious. The trick? The ingredients list not only herbs (like chamomile and rose hips and such) but natural apple and blueberry flavorings and real spices. I am a true fan, now, and will be a purchaser of the naturally caffeine free teas for life!

1 comment:

Jennie C. said...

We love Stash teas. (I never did like Celestial Seasonings.) Our favorites are raspberry, lemon blossom (nice for settling upset tummies, too), and cinnamon apple. Well, those are the kids favorites. Mine are black teas: Holiday Chai and Orange Spice, and David likes traditional ones, like Earl Grey and Irish Breakfast.