October 26, 2006

Dinner Menu Snafu

Ok, so I posted that lovely "What's for dinner" feature and filled in a bunch of good food to eat. But, I didn't stick to it. Oh, I tried, but I didn't succeed. You see, it all started with Sunday. I had taken out chicken to make on Saturday, but at the last minute, we went to someone's house to eat. So on Sunday, instead of lasagna, we had to eat the already thawed chicken that was sitting in the fridge. So I made teriyaki chicken stirfry with rice. Monday and Tuesday went as planned, but come Wednesday, I realized I didn't have any velveeta for the Bacon and Egg spaghetti and we substituted Shake 'n Baked chicken with Apple Stuffing. Then Thursday comes and I've already made Teriyaki chicken once this week and can't very well make it again...and on top of that, Angie's having some kind of a reaction to her flu shot and immunizations (received on Tuesday) and is fevery and cranky and vomity. So, clingy as she is, and lacking a sufficient appetite, I couldn't even figure out what to make for dinner tonight . I ended up making parmesan rice for her which miguel paired with corn and a bit of chicken from last night. We had takeout from the pizza place after I got home...

Hopefully, I will get that "following the menu" thing down pat and it'll go more smoothly next week.


Jennie C. said...

Stuff comes up. If you have all the ingredients, you can shuffle them around. Suddenly planned afternoon out? Make one of the quickie meals. A little extra time during the week? Make that Sunday meal that got pushed.

Sandie said...

And it seems you forgot one of the main reasons for making a menu . . . so you can know what ingredients you'll need to get at the store! lol