September 21, 2006

Looking for Kisses

She comes at you with her head slightly lowered, looking upwards through her eyelashes and lowered eyebrows. She looks like an angry goat coming to lock horns with you. But really, she's coming for a kiss. It's not enough just to butt heads with her; she wants a full kiss, right on the forhead. It's sweet and endearing and melts my heart everytime.

If you're wondering why she comes for kisses in this manner, you have only to understand that her Daddy never kisses people (family included) on the cheek or anything, he gives them a little tap with his forhead. He taught Angie to do the same thing, and so she thinks that a kiss is a little head butt.


Jennie C. said...

Okay, curiosity has got the best of me. He doesn't kiss? At all? Even you?

Davey asked me once, if I could have only hugs or kisses from now on, which would I choose? Hands down, hugging. I mean, it's no contest, really. (Just so you know I'm only curious and surprised, not thinking there's something bizarre going on over there!)

Beckie Russell said...

LOL. No, he kisses me plenty. I meant his siblings and their families and such. He'll kiss his mom on the cheek from time to time, but even with her he usually just gives a loving little head butt.