September 08, 2006


I have been accused of being a feminist on more than one occasion. I say accused because that's the tone of voice used by those who make the statement, not because I think being a feminist is a bad thing. I am a bit of a feminist, although not to the extent that I believe that men should be overthrown and subjected to women's whims and rules (some radical feminists believe this). I'm more of a liberal or social feminist. I'm like Elizabeth Cady Stanton and the other originators of the feminist movement who earned women the right to vote and a legal standing in divorce cases. I appreciate the women and men who worked to ensure that women and men be paid the same wages for "substantially similar" jobs. I especially appreciate those who have made it possible for women to choose their occupation from a wide range of possibilities, rather than just those that a male dominated society prescribed for them (motherhood, teaching and a few other "minorly" important jobs).

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