September 14, 2006

State Quarters

I've been collecting the State Quarters since they began minting them a few years ago. I still search through the change the cashier gives me (on the rare occasion that I pay with actual cash money and not my debit card) in hopes of finding one I don't already have. I haven't been as diligent about it over the last two years, though (the two busiest years of my life, coincidentally), and so I am missing a couple from each year. I can't find Michigan or Texas (2004), nor do I have Oregon or West Virginia (2005). I'm only missing Nebraska from this year, as North and South Dakota haven't been minted yet. I wonder sometimes if anyone else is still collecting. I know when they first came out almost everyone wanted them, but I think the interest has died some, perhaps because it has taken so long to get them all minted.

But I dont' mind. I enjoy that little bit of excitement I feel when I see the slightly raised rim on one of those speical quarters in my hand. I eagerly flip the coin, hoping it will be one that I don't have. Sometimes I'm rewarded.


Anonymous said...

My mother collects them too. Not sure what she has or hasn't. Sometimes the best collection sare the ones that take the longest to acquire.

What ever happened to coin collecting....another lost art form - especially as we move towards a cashless society...


Jennie C. said...

We collect them, too. We have a folder, with slots for the Philidelphia and Denver sets. In the east here, the D coins are harder to find, but the kids always check the change and their tooth fairy money for new quarters! I'm not sure what we're missing, either, but not too many on the P side.

Anonymous said...

My dd is collecting them. In fact, we might have a WV for you. I'll have her check!