August 31, 2006

Toothpicks and My Sink

I hate my kitchen sink. It's porcelain, so my cast iron scratches it very easily and I'm forever scrubbing out the marks with Ajax. And I've broken a few glasses by setting them down just a bit too hard or by knocking the rim ever so slightly . It's an ugly shade of yellow that no one in their right mind would ever choose. And worst of all, there is a metal band that seams the sink with the counter, a metal band that is flush with neither the counter nor the sink so that food and other disgusting particles of goo get stuck under it on a regular basis. That's where the toothpicks come in. I can't get the goo out any other way than to slide a toothpick between the metal rim and the counter or sink. Sometimes just one will do it; other times it requires 3 or 4 to all the gunk out.

So, on my wishlist is a new sink. . .actually new cabinets too, since the whole kitchen is ugly. Who knows if I'll ever get one!


The Davison Family said...

Have you thought about putting a thin layer of caulk around the base of the sink until such time as you can replace it?

Sandie said...

You dream of new cabinets and appliances . . . I dream of a kitchen of my own in which to dream of new cabinets and appliances! lol

Love you and Congrats on owning your house for two years!

By the way, I have the same issue with my sink, though the marks come off of mine really easily (I just use some powdered cleaner and my scrubbie). I still have issues with gunk under that metal strip, though!

Jennie C. said...

Maybe paint the cabinets, too. It's a lot less expensive than replacing and could perk the place up.

Jennie C. said...

Oooh. And I once saw a picture of a porcelain sink that was all painted with flowers on the inside. Maybe? I don't know how creative/artistic you are. Some sort of pattern instead of florals could work wonderfully, too. When I saw the picture, I was just a little sorry to have a stainless sink.