August 31, 2006

Too Argumentative

Yes, me. And yes, I know you already know that I'm too argumentative. The strange thing is that I will argue vehemently against something with one person and then vehemently for it with another person, depending on the positions they've chosen. I'm willing to argue about anything, not with malice or the intent of hurting anyone's feelings, but because I like the stimulation and challenge of debate. I'm saying this because I followed a link on Jennie's blog to a post on another blog, made a comment on that post and was promptly chastised for poking my nose where it didn't belong with negative and critical comments. Although I didn't think I was really being negative or critical (that's in the eye of the beholder, of course), it made me aware that I tend to debate first and let my true feelings and reactions develop slowly later on.

My lesson for the day: Think before you comment. And then think some more about the words you'll use in your comment. And then think some more about how your comment will appear to others. Then, you can post your comment.

Can I take this lesson to heart and put it into action? I don't know. But we'll see.


Jennie C. said...

Beckie, Beckie, Beckie. That was, quite frankly, just plain rude.

It is true that big families are thought badly of by the small-family masses. In fact, it has come to be that there is only one person besides my husband and children that I look forward to sharing my new-baby news with. She is the only one who is genuinely happy for us and shares in our own delight, thereby increasing it.
And yes, we seek love and affirmation from each other, big families, because few others understand the problems and joys. It is the same reason homeschoolers congregate: for some bizarre reason, public schoolers think we judge them for their choice by ours. We need support and we aren't going to get it anywhere else. (You will never hear me discuss an issue I have with my kids, though I know you'd very likely have some helpful insight, because the common response is negative judgement.)

So, I'm sure you can see how a blog frequented heavily by mothers of large homeschooling families might find your remarks offensive. I'm sure I did, as it rendered that recently offered apology null and void.

Beckie Russell said...

I didn't realize, at the time of my comment, that it was a large-family/homeschoolers support group. Had I understood that fully, rather than assuming that it was a public forum where all viewpoints were welcome, I wouldn't have posted. That's like goint to an AA meeting and telling them that drinkers aren't bad people. My mistake and I'm sorry.