August 25, 2006

Too Much Juice?

Angie has been a very picky eater of late. She'll eat two or three bites and then begin throwing food every which way because she doesn't really want to be there. But I think I've figured out why -- I give her too many beverages during the day. I'm so worried about not giving her enough to drink and dehydrating her that I think I over compensate. Then, when meal time rolls around, she's not hungry because her belly's full of juice. So, I have to figure out how to ration the juice supply during the day so that she's drinking well, but not too much.

Is there ever a point where you can say, "Yes, I've finally got this parenting thing figured out!"?


Jennie C. said...

Nope, you never get it figured out, but if you can manage it, switch some of her juice servings to water. She's still hydrated, but not full. Rosie happens to like hers in a bear shaped water bottle from Rubbermaid. Hey, whatever works.

Jennie C. said...

Oh, and you know what? You've barely even gotten to the parenting part yet! So far, it's been mostly baby-care. The real parenting stuff is yet to come. (But I'm sure you'll enjoy every minute. Even the bad stuff is funny when there's a little distance.)