August 25, 2006

Disciplined Reading

I love to read. Give me a good book and I'll spend every free moment reading it. Knowing this about myself, and knowing that much of what I need to read is work related, not pleasure related, I've designated two distinct reading zones -- upstairs and downstairs.

Downstairs reading is for work -- text books, web sites, etc -- because that's where I spend most of my day, beginning at 6:00 and ending around 10:00 at night. Upstairs reading is pleasure reading, which I usually only do at night and only for half an hour or so. But if it's a really good book, I'll stay awake most of the night trying to fit in as much pleasure reading as possible. It makes for a really cranky day the next day, but hey, who cares if the book was good.

I don't get to read nearly all of the books I want to read, but at least I've worked out a system that lets me do some reading on a regular basis. Now, I don't have to feel like all I do is work. . .there is some room for pleasure in there after all. Nor do I have to feel like I've squandered all of my productive hours by pleasure reading. It's a win-win situation, I think.


Jennie C. said...

Yup, me too. The day is for (usually) easy to put down non-fiction, and the evening is for the really good stuff.

Angoraknitter said...

I've got go learn a bit of that...been trying to squeeze in my CEU's late at night and have been making a snail's pace. I wish I could enjoy it more.