August 12, 2006

Sick Babies

For those of you looking for an update on Sandie's blog, here it is.

The twins, who have been sick since Monday with fever and a bit of vomiting, went to the hospital on Thursday with very high fevers (104 - 105) and dehydration. Sandie can tell you the stories, but they IVed and prodded and poked and medicated them until they were well enough to go home and sleep in their own beds. The next day, (Friday, for those of you who don't know what comes after Thursday), Katie had a reddish/pinkish rash all over her body and Josie was still feverish (having gotten sick the day after Katie). Apparently, they have roseola, a herpes family virus, which starts with a high fever and ends with the rash. So, by today, Josie should be rashy and Katie should be all better.

Now, it turns out, from what Mommy tells me, that kids with roseola can be contagious up to two weeks before they exhibit symptoms. So, Angie may have been exposed. In fact, she has a small fever today, which may or may not be attributable to tething, so we'll keep an eye on it.

In any event, glad the twins are doing better.

1 comment:

Sandie said...

Sorry if we got you sick, Angie! I think we may have gotten it from Hope. She was here on Saturday. I can't imagine where else they would have gotten it . . .