August 12, 2006

Oozing Onion

I left half an onion on the counter overnight, having forgotten to put it in the fridge after cooking dinner. The next morning, as I picked it up to put it away, I noticed a yucky sticky ooze on it's underside. "Strange," thought I, "I didn't know onions had that much juice in them. And why did it conjeal like that?" I swiped a finger through it apprehensively and brought it to my nose, just to see if it was malodorous in any way. It didn't smell bad, though; in fact, it didn't smell at all, not even like onion.

So, peelnig off the outer layer of skin, I bagged the onion and deposited it in the veggie drawer. Turning to wipe up the counter, I noticed a lot of onion juce all over the counter. Thick, gooey stuff that my sponge just wouldn't mop up easily. It took four rinses of the sponge before I noticed that the onion goo was creating soap suds as I washed it off the sponge.

That's when I remembered turning the almost empy dish-soap container upside down the night before. Apparently, I hadn't closed the top all the way, and now there was no more soap.

At least the onion wasn't oozing as badly as I thought.

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