August 08, 2006


Once in a while, I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror in just the right way, and I can see why Miguel tells me I'm beautiful. Once in a rare while. Most of the time, I look at myself and think, ugh, I can't believe he really thinks I'm pretty. But, Miguel assures me that he wouldn't marry and ugly woman. . .I've never met his ex-wife, though, so I can't verify that. But I'm glad he thinks I'm pretty.

1 comment:

Jennie C. said...

Davey's always telling me I'm beautiful, too. I used to say, "Thank you, but no I'm not." He said once, "What are you saying, I like ugly chicks?" Of course not. I'm well aware of his taste in women. Not a one of them is ugly, though they range from truly beautiful to just cute. Cute? I can live with that.