July 18, 2006

Sound Sleeper?

Yesterday, I went out with Mommy to find a gift for cousin James' wedding this Sunday. Angie, of course, came with me. After an hour and a half of perusing, picking and paying, we left. Angie fell asleep in the car almost immediately, it being nap time and all. When we got home, I carried her upstairs, still sleeping, and put her in her crib. But she needed a diaper change. Quick as you please, I had her diaper off and a new one on. And she slept through the whole thing.


Jennie C. said...

Don't you feel like supermommy when you can change a diaper without even waking the child?

Beckie Russell said...

lol. I was just greatful I didn't have to rock her back to sleep!

Anonymous said...

Wow Beckie, I guess we truly tuckered her our. She did do alot of walking around!