July 27, 2006


  1. How do you get rid of wrinkles in your wall to wall carpet?
  2. If you can make a K turn (3 point turn) in order to reverse directions legally, why can't you make a U turn legally?
  3. Is construction on Route 46 ever going to end?
  4. A midget lived on the 20th floor of an apartment building. Every morning, he hopped in the elevator and rode it down to the first floor, got off and went to work. In the evenings, he hopped back into the elevator, rode it to the fifth floor and then walked the rest of the way up to his 20th floor apartment. Why?


The Davison Family said...

1. Iron it.
2. Because K and L are next to each other in the alphabet???
3. No
4. He thought it would make him taller.

Just kidding...I have absolutely no idea!

Sandie said...

1. I think older carpet tends to stretch out. You need to get a "kicker" and unnail your carpet and restretch it. I would look this up if I were you . . . I don't really know how to do it!

2. I don't know. I would think that it would be the other way around, because U turns are faster and you spend less time blocking traffic and also there is less swishing your head back and forth to keep an eye on traffic . . . Hmmm . . .

3. Of course not. They have too much fun there to ever stop.

4. This is a stumper . . .

Sorry for all the . . . it's just a habit . . . i'm trying to do it less . . . but . . . well . . . you see what happens!

Love you!

Sandie . . .

Anonymous said...

1 A carpet stretcher

2 Read the drivers manual

3 Of course not. Keep paying taxes.

4 He couldn't reach the button. Of course, on rainy days, he goes all the way up. (He has his umbrella with him!)

Beckie Russell said...

Mostly Dave,

I like the rainy day qualifier! You hit it right on the button though (pun intended).