July 17, 2006

Out of Milk

Twice in a row now I've allowed us to run out of milk. I knew it was coming, but didn't want to make the trip to the grocery store to get more. It's sooooo expensive, and I hate to buy it. Plus, I was hoping to make it to BJs before then (think Sam's Club or Costco), but haven't managed that yet. So, I'll have to dash out, either to the grocery or to some minimart, for milk later today. And I'll probably end up with more in my cart than that...


The Davison Family said...

When I shop by myself (that means with kids, without Paul), I can get out of the store with only what I went in for. Paul, however, likes to look around and always ends up with more in the cart. Needless to say, I try to shop without him.

Jennie C. said...

Davey and I, when first budgeting, allowed three items that weren't on the grocery list. That way, you didn't feel like a slave to the list. We only did that for relatively inexpensive grocery items, though. All other purchases HAD to be written down on the index card on the refrigerator. Made us think real hard about whether we really wanted to spend the money.

As for milk, I always buy one gallon more than I think we'll use. Keeps me out of the store mid-week!

Sandie said...

I know exactly what you mean, Beckie. I have an extra fridge that I fill up with milk (sometimes as many as 7 gallons!) and I still sometimes have to run down the the Quick Check to grab a gallon. I hate to do that, because it costs so much more there than where I usually shop, but I just put off going sometimes!

The Davison Family said...

How much are you paying for milk, anyway? We pay about $2.65 for skim.

Beckie Russell said...

At Shop Rite, it's about $3.80 regular, but they put one type of milk on sale each week for about $2.50. At BJs, it's really cheap . .. ask Sandie for the price, but it's less than ShopRite's sale price.