July 20, 2006

How do you drain your spaghetti?

Did you know that most of the world uses a collander? Go figure. I always thought a pot-lid was the only way to do it. (I always did wonder why mommy had a collander. . .we never used it!)


The Davison Family said...

I used to use the "pot-lid" method, but I got a face full of steam one time too many. So, I started using a collander, which is now the only way I do it.

Jennie C. said...

The collander is just an extra pot to wash. In fact, mine is so seldom used that it is in a nearly inaccessible spot. Occasionally, I find use for it, but it is less than once a year. Now that I'm thinking of it, maybe the collander should go! I just blow the steam out of my face as I pour.

Anonymous said...

I'm with Jennie. Just one more thing to wash and you don't really need it.

Also, I always hated when macaroni pieces would get caught in the holes.

Beckie Russell said...

I was recently cooking at someone else's house and had to drain the pasta. I asked for the pot lid and she said she didn't know where it was. Why did I need it? she asked. To drain the pasta said I. She laughed at me and handed me the collander. Will that work? she laughed. Oh.

Sandie said...

Sam was amazed the first time he saw me drain pasta this way. "No collander?"

I laughed. First, we didn't own one. I didn't think it was important. And second, we were horrible at washing dishes. Why would i dirty another thing? He has tried it a few times, but usually asks me to drain the pasta. The little pastas tend to get away too easily! lol