July 01, 2006

Fireworks Fears

Last year, Angie was much too young to go to the fireworks on the 4th. We stopped, on our way home from a relative's house, on the side of the road across from Verona High School where they just happened to be getting ready to set off their opening fireworks. At the first blast, Angie set to screaming and carrying on so that Miguel put the car in drive and quickly sped off to the safety of our home (only minutes away from the high school, but far enough that the noise is a bit diluted.)

I don't know if she can handle it this year either, but we may try. Our high school is hosting the fireworks on the 4th and it a brisk 10 minute walk from the house. I imagine that in heavy foot traffic, as I expect there to be on the 4th, it will take about twice that. Is it too early to take her? How old were your kids the first time you took them to the fireworks? How did they react?


Anonymous said...

You might try not getting as close as entering the school field would get you.

We watched from home this year and though we didn't get to see the low fireworks, we saw all the high ones and if it hadn't been the twins bedtime (since it was 9:30) they would have been able to watch the show without being right on top of the noise.

Remember not only is it very loud but there are loads of people around.

So you might want to let Angie try it from a little distance so she does not become frightened of fireworks.

The Davison Family said...

I agree with Mommy. I think she is a little too young to "appreciate" fireworks. Mandy did not like them when she was 2, even. We did take her, though, and did not leave. Last year, probably because she remembered what they looked like and she lived, she loved them. Same with Andrew. When he was little, hated the noise. Again, when he was 2, we went to a show and did not leave. He was not the happiest child there, but he got over it. And he loved them the next year, as well.

If at all possible, I would try to wait another year before actually going out to see a show. Try to enjoy the ones you can see from home, or nearby at least. Next year will be much better.

Jennie C. said...

We've gone to the fireworks every year, no matter how little the babies are. Safe in mamma's arms, they are usually fine. Try covering her ears a bit with your hands, or better yet, one hand and one shoulder, so she's snuggled up against you. And be vocal about your pleasure, so she gets the idea this is fun!

Beckie Russell said...

Thanks for all of the tips. We might try watching from the street. . .