June 26, 2006

Kitchen Colors

I believe that kitchens should be painted either sunny yellow or sky blue. Kitchens should be welcoming, happy places, and the color you paint it has a lot to do with the feel of your kitchen. What color is your kitchen? (Mine is yellow.)


Jennie C. said...

I'm about to paint the lower half of mine a cobalt blue to match the gorgeous color on my favorite dishes. The upper half will be an as-yet-undetermined shade of white.

The Davison Family said...

we are going to paint our kitchen a purplish shade of blue, like one of the plums in our curtains.

Sandie said...

well . . . you know my kitchen! It currently has very ugly wallpaper that's supposed to be white with bouquets of flowers all over. I suppose it was pretty once, but now it's all faded and stained and yucky!

My countertops are light blue, but I wouldn't mind painting the walls a dusty kind of green. Against the white cabinets, I think it would be a great contrast and very warm.

Our lovestory... said...

I love this question! I indeed think that kitchens should be happy places with a "happy color" since we often spend so much time in them. We just moved into our first house and are enjoying our first adventures in painting.

I have a pretty "granny smith apple" green picked out. Not too vibrant, but cheery enough!