June 24, 2006

A New Bra or "Man, I Feel Like A Woman!"

A post for women only.

When you're first pregnant, you don't realize all of the changes your body will go through. One of the very first signals that I was pregnant, within days of conception, actually, was the enlarging of my breasts. What a wonderful perk, to have breasts and cleavage that your husband positively drools over. After the first few months, though, my breasts were too large for my regular bras, and so I borrowed one from Sandie, who has significantly more bosom than I to begin with and borders on pornograpic when she's pregnant or nursing.

Once Angie was born, I once again borrowed a nursing bra from Sandie while waiting for my own to arrive in the mail from Motherwear (thanks to Jennie for the tip). The fullness of my breasts filled out my bras and my clothing quite nicely for some time. As Angie began weaning though, I noticed an alarming flacidity to my breasts and began fervently hoping that they would firm up once she was completely weaned.

Well, she's been weaned for a little over a month, with no sign of improvement in my physique. So, I went shopping and bought my first new bra in more than 2 years. What a difference a good bra makes. My droopy post-nursing breasts are now nicely tucked into an underwire bra that shapes and corrals them to the point where I once again have cleavage! I am so thrilled that I wonder why I didn't do it sooner.


The Davison Family said...


Jennie C. said...

Haha! Mine were never big enough to droop, but the have shrunk a bit with each successive nurser. Not good, as I previously mentioned mine were never large to begin with!