March 01, 2013

Glow-In-The-Dark Bandaid Wrappers

Maddie complained of a cut on her finger after lights out, so I got a bandaid, peeled open the wrapper and...wait, was that a blue glow?  I resealed the wrapper (as much as possible) and did it again (being thrifty and not wanting to open another bandaid), with the same result.  It glowed blue!  I promptly brought both bandage and wrapper to Maddie's bed, called Angie over and said, "Look!  It glows blue!"  We oohed over it two more times before Angie asked, "Why does it do that?"  "I don't know, but I'll look it up as soon as I go downstairs!"  I replied.  And here's why: .  Way cool.  Who knew?  Now I'm going to try it with Scotch tape!

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