July 09, 2012

A Different Life

Josie sat at the head of the dining room table, the rest of us arrayed around it eating fetuccine alfredo with shrimp, when she looked up and asked, "Beckie, do you guys always eat dinner like this?"

Puzzled, I asked, "You mean at the dining room table?  Only when it's too hot to eat in the kitchen."

"I mean with the pots on the table," she clarified, but I was still puzzled at what she was trying to get at.

"Well, when we eat in here, yes, we put the pots on the table.  If we eat in the kitchen, they stay on the stove," I responded.

"Even with regular dinner?" she asked.  And still I didn't understand, but Miguel started laughing.

"This is regular dinner," I said.

"You don't have TV dinners?"  I just shook my head.

"Josie," Miguel finally said through his laughter," you guys all eat at different times and your Mom usually cooks quick silly things like chicken nuggest or eggs and stuff.  But this is how most of the world has dinner."

She laughed it off with Miguel, but I got the feeling that she wished for a similar experience at home.


Mommy said...

It took me a while but then I realized it was big Josie and not Josie Bear.

I was beginning to worry!!!

(my word below is messmore - does that mean I can make more of a mess and if so who cleans it up?)

Jennie C. said...

Aw, that's kind of sad! I think, though, that most kids are missing out on our "normal" dinners.