November 22, 2011

My Thanksgiving Angst

I was going to host Thanksgiving this year.  It's something I've done only once before, and I was looking forward to it.  But Angie woke this morning with a splitting headache, nausea and tummy cramps.  She spent the entire morning retching, pooping and sleeping on the couch with a pillow over her eyes to block the light.  (Tylenol didn't stay down long enough to do anything for her.)  At noon, she popped up happy and playing, but the damage is already done.  With Daddy's immune system compromised, we can't risk passing a virus along to him.  But have a Happy Thanksgiving anyway...we'll miss you all!


Jennie C. said...

Oh, boo. I think your angst is worse than mine. :-(

Beckie Russell said...

It turns out that Daddy isn't really concerned about contagion as long as Angie's not spewing germs on him. So although I won't be hosting, we'll still get to see everyone at Mommy's house.