January 10, 2011

To Grandpa, With Love (from Maddie)

"What's Grandpa's favorite color?" Maddie questioned one day.
"Burple," I said, without hesitation.  Since we were little, Daddy always told us that was his favorite color.  I always imagined it to be a cross between brown and purple, and I once even had a pen that wrote in burple colored ink.
"Huh!? What's that color, Mommy?" 
"It's the color of burps," I replied.  Which led to a minor inquisition about what color burps were.
Periodically, Maddie and I would repeat this conversations, until one day, Maddie burped.  It was a new experience for her, since she's never been much of a burper.  She immediately giggled over the strangeness of it and then, after a moment's pause, she exclaimed, "I made burple, Mommy! I made burple for Grandpa."  Now, with each burp, Maddie proudly declares that she's made burple for Grandpa and we lovingly send it his way....
So Grandpa, if you suddenly come across a cloud of burple, it's from Maddie!

1 comment:

Mommy said...

Daddy loves both of the stories you sent his way.
We are always amazed at how the understand what is going on and how much they think about Grandpa.

It makes him smile.

My word verification is ovines - could they be related to cows?