September 02, 2010


If Maddie is being too quiet, I can be sure that she is off somewhere putting a puzzle together.


Jennie C. said...

Lucky you. If my little ones are too quiet, I can be sure they,re doing something very, very naughty, possibly requiring a trip to the emergency room. :-)

Sandie said...

lol I always worry when my house is too quiet, too! Surely the little ones are up to something not good. I stepped outside the other day to check on them (it was quiet out there). I yelled "How are you all doing out here?" Katie dropped something immediately and said "Fine!" I tried not to laugh at her as I probed a bit to find out what she was up to. She was playing with water, a sometimes no-no depending on the weather and our plans in the next hour. We discussed what she should do if she isn't sure something is okay and then I went inside and laughed.