November 11, 2006

Relearning Old Lessons Everyday

You'd think that once you learn a lesson, especially if you learned it the hard way, that it would stick with you and that the next time the issue came up, you'd be well prepared to handle it correctly. I just can't seem to get myself to respond in the right way, though, no matter how many times the same issues pop up. I know how I should be reacting, but for some reason, my emotions just won't listen to reason.

When I was in martial arts, my instructor would tell me the same things about my sparring, week after week. "Double up on your kicks," he'd be yelling from ringside, or "Right there, spinning side-kick!" It seemed that it always took me about three or four sessions before my body finally accepted what was going on and how it should be reacting to a given situation. Once learned, though, I was pretty good at employing my various techniques in different situations.

Maybe my emotional side is the same way, and I just have to be patient. It will all fall into place.

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