November 19, 2006

Organized Chaos

So I've tried getting organized with the sidebar items on my blog, and it's just not working. Have you noticed the lack of dinner menu updates? And my resolutions aren't getting done, really, even though a lot of other stuff is. I guess the problem is this: I like to plan ahead -- in fact, it's how my job works -- but I don't like to do too much planning. I like to have a general outline to follow so I know what order to do things in but I leave out the details. I don't want to feel tied down to a certain agenda. As a teacher, you have to be able to flow with what your students are capable of. I often plan to do quite a bit in my classes, but we may never get to half of it because something intriguing comes up and we spend some time discussing it, or some topic just isn't making sense, and we have to hash it out a bit longer than expected. And the joy of that is that I don't care, really, how much we do, as long as the important stuff happens -- learning. I guess I treat the rest of my life that way too, although a lot of people have the impression that I'm ultra-organized. (I'm not.) So, the point is, those nice little sidebar features are going the way of the dodo...


Jennie C. said...

The more you have on your plate, the more important it is to know exactly what you're eating. (Ha!) It's quite likely that your plate isn't overflowing yet. Maybe you don't mind, even enjoy, running out for dinner fixings each day. Maybe it's not too important for you to schedule laundry. How long does laundry for three take, anyway? I used to do it once a week. Now I can't skip a day.

I don't follow my menu to the letter, myself, though I come pretty close. And my november resolutions? Ha! Still sitting around waiting to get done because, well, life happens and the gee whiz stuff has to wait! So these little sidebar things might help Sandie, who's juggling three babies and a house with out any particular training in how to do that successfully, because it helps her be accountable and get support. It might help me who has to manage life with a few more challenges than most because it helps me be accountable and get support. It might not help you because you aren't in a position to actually care yet...and that's okay. So lose the sidebar stuff. Put it back when it helps. I love you.

Beckie Russell said...

So, let me clarify a bit. I plan. I know approximately what we're having for dinner each night based on my knowledge of our current supplies and what my work schedule will be for the week...I don't run out for fixin's just because...and I make sure something that simmers is planned for nights I'm not home for dinner.
I know when I'm most able to get laundry done. I know when to spend time mopping floors or cleaning a room. I know when I'm going to do my prep work for school and how long it will take to grade a set of papers. But I just can't tie myself to a schedule. Life ebbs and flows too much, and I feel much happier knowing I can adapt to that without the guilt of breaking an organizational structure.

Having a large family is not the only reason for needing organization...having a small family and two working parents requires a bit of planning as well (although maybe not the same kind as the large family). I just do my planning a bit more informally than you.