September 08, 2006

Potty Training

For the last month or so, whenever Angie poops (it's really obvious that she's doing it because she stops whatever she's doing and grunts and strains while pooping), I make sure to say, "Are you pooping?" And then, I began asking her where her poop is and she would point to her diaper. It seems that this has had the effect of enabling her to tell me when she's going to poop. She now points to her diaper about five or so minutes before she's actually going to poop. Potty training time? Perhaps. The other day when she did it, I forgot what it meant and took her to the potty right away. I sat her down and within a few seconds she was peeing to effusive praise and applause. Once she was clean and rediapered, I sent her on her way. A few minutes later she was pooping in her diaper! I guess I missed the boat on that one! I'm not sure if she's really ready for it, but we'll see how it goes.


Sandie said...

". . .and within a few seconds she was peeing to effusive praise and applause."

I read that as "Applesauce" and couldn't figure out why you would store that in your bathroom . . .

Beckie Russell said... can't stop laughing.....

there are a few signs on the road that I always read incorrectly...
"Rapid Print" always looks like Brad Pitt to me and "Wall Units" always looks like "Wallnuts"...the first time I saw it I couldn't figure out why they needed such a big store for wallnuts...