August 08, 2006

The Case of the Missing Dorito

We were at yet another baby shower (it seems everyone we know is having babies these days), and the people with the food hadn't arrived yet. Angie was munching a Dorito while in her Daddy's arms. Tired of the chip, she offered it to her Daddy, who promptly nibbled on its pointy end. She giggled, pulled the chip back from his mouth, then offered it again. After he took another bite, she offered it to me. I nibbled quickly on the end before the chip was once again offered to her Daddy. Finally, he engulfed the chip and her entire hand in his mouth, eliciting peals of laughter. When she finally extracted her hand, she tried to put the rest of the Dorito in her own mouth, but it wasn't there! She looked incredulously at her fingers where the Dorito had been and then accusingly at her Daddy and I. I wonder what she thought the end result of all those nibbles was going to be!

1 comment:

Sandie said...

It's all about discovering cause and effect. It seems Angie just learned that if you tease Daddy long enough, he's gonna eat your Dorito! lol