August 11, 2006

Biting Baby

Angie was mad at me for just about everything yesterday. She had miniature temper tantrums all day long for various things and when Angie is mad, she climbs up on me as if I can make it better (even though I'm the one she's mad at). But we added a new twist yester day. As she leaned her head on my shoulder for, I thought, consolation, she used her front teeth (she's got all four of them now) to nip my shirt and the skin beneath. When she lifted her head up. . .ouch! She did it three different times and a few others that just got shirt. I'll have to ruminate on this to see what we can do to nip that in the bud. She may be teething, though, because she's chewing on absolutely everything lately.

1 comment:

Jennie C. said...

Nothin' to ruminate on here, Beck. A firm no every time she does it, even putting her down to let her know you don't appreciate it. (You can pick her up again, it just lets her know you aren't going to put up with it.) They don't usually bite at this age to be mean. They're just using those new little teeth. (FYI: I had a problem with Rosie biting because I used to play-bite her! As soon as I quit, so did she.)