July 11, 2006

Sarah Rose

Everytime I see Sarah Rose, I get this overwhelming urge to tell Sandie how beautiful this little bundle is. I have been tacitly assuming that it is because she is just a physically beautiful child, but that's not really it. She is physically beautiful, but there is something more as well. Sara is like that song My Girl; she is sunshine on a cloudy day.

Angie, too, is a beautiful child. I say this without shame because I cannot really claim any responsibility for her beauty; she just came out that way. But Angie is moody, sometimes shining like a star and other times sullen and cranky. The twins, while not beautiful in the same way Angie is, are two adorable cuties with outgoing personalities that can sometimes take a serious turn, sometimes a cranky one. All three babies are undoubtedly the lights of our lives. . .but Sarah is different.

Maybe it's just me. Maybe it's because she is so different from the twins. But I don't think so. There is something that radiates from her like sunshine, making even gloomy days feel warm and welcoming. (I can't actually recall a gloomy day on which I've seen Sarah, but we've had many this spring/summer, so I must have seen her on one of them. ) Whatever it is, I hope she doesn't lose this quality as she grows older.


Anonymous said...

When Sandie told me that sometimes she sees Aunt Donna when Sarah smiles I showed Sandie a picture of Aunt Donna at about the same age as Sarah was at the time (approx. 2 months).

I always thought Aunt Donna was so beautiful. You girls never saw Aunt Donna when she was young. She always had a problem controlling her weight but I always thought she was pretty.

I like to think that Aunt Donna is smiling down on Sarah and perhaps giving Sarah alot of angel love. I'm sure angel love can help make a baby happy and "sunny" as you say.

Sorry, Aunt Donna has been with me so much lately and I am grateful for my children and grandbabies who help me through the sadness. Without all of you, I'm not sure how I would be able to handle it.

I love you all.

Jennie C. said...

Some children are like that. Our Megan is like that for us. She's always cheerful, always smiling, always friendly. BTW, My Girl is Rosie's song, though Rosie tends to have her fair share of mood swings, too!

Sandie said...


Thanks for the glowing review of my baby! I happen to think she's pretty incredible too.

She does have her moments of being upset, but they don't last long and only rarely are for unknown reasons. I guess you could say that Sarah is just full of sunshine with a chance of scattered clouds! lol

Love you!