July 01, 2006

Road Rage

We always take Angie's red push car to the park with us. She prefers to ride in that over her stroller, so we indulge her. It's a red car with a blue handle that comes up off of it's rear for easy pushing and fewer physical therapy bills. Today was no different. We alternately strolled and jogged, for Angie's amusement, around the park, making our way to the kiddy playground where Angie spent a bit of time alone before any other younguns came along.

As Angie pushed her car along the weirdly squishy foam "floor" of the playground, a boy, closer to two years old than to one, came running over in distress. "No, no", he repeated, gently removing Angie's hands from the car. I knew before his anxious father ever spoke a word. "It's not your car," daddy said. "Yours is at home." But the little boy would not believe it and climbed in the car, claiming it.

Although I stooped down, smiling and talking to the boy, while Angie happily played with the "trunk", the boy's father sternly pulled him from the car amid squeals of protest. We would have shared.

1 comment:

The Davison Family said...

Some parents are so fearful of what others will think of their child that they don't give them a chance to work things out. While the boy and Angie would not have "worked out" their issue, you were going to for her. What a sad lesson for this little boy to learn. If it does not belong to you, you just can't touch it. End of story.