July 29, 2006

Nap Time

Angie awoke at 7:15 this morning, as she does most mornings, and was so cranky by 9:45 that I finally gave up and put her down for her first nap of the day. She fell asleep within two minutes. I thought that by now she would be staying up longer in the mornings and that I could put her down for only one nap a day. For a while, that's been working, but not today. Today, we'll need two naps for sure, if we're going to make it through to bedtime without doing serious harm to ourselves. I wish her sleep patterns would settle down some.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Perhaps between teeth and growing she's in need of a little more sleep.

Also, the bigger the get the more active they are and maybe she is tuckered out from all that hard work.