July 24, 2006

A Bit of a Mix-Up

I bought two very dissimilar items at BJ's that came in almost identical plastic containers.

I store such large items under my kitchen counter, on a shelf above the pots and pans. While preparing to cook chicken using one of these items, I reached under the sink and pulled out one of the bottles, forgetting, I guess, that I'd purchased both of them. As I poured the contents over the chicken, I noticed that it was thicker than usual, and inspected the label to see if they'd changed it in some way. That was when I realized my mistake.

Instead of terriyaki chicken, I'd begun preparing maple syrup chicken! Yuck!

1 comment:

Sandie said...

You'd better label the sides of these containers! I'm thinking a bright red sticker on one and a Blue one on the other . . .


This is like putting salt in your coffee instead of sugar!

Love you!

(Still laughing . . .)